Minimum Wages Revised in Haryana

Minimum wages in Haryana has been revised with effect from 01.01.2018. The amended  rates for all the categories are as below:-

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MINIMUM WAGES W.E.F 01/01/2018

S.NO Categories of workers Qualification and experience Basic VDA(01.01.2017 to 30.06.2017) VDA(01.07.2017 to 31.12.2017) VDA(01.01.2018) Total Wages Per day
1 Unskilled 7600.00 8280.20 8222.44 275.12 8497.56 326.82
2 Semiskilled (A) 7980.00 8694.20 8633.56 288.87 8922.43 343.17
Semiskilled (B) 8379.00 9128.91 9065.23 303.31 9368.54 360.32
3 Skilled        (A) 8797.95 9585.35 9518.49 318.48 9836.97 378.34
Skilled        (B) 9237.85 10064.62 9994.42 334.41 10328.83 397.26
4 Highly Skilled 9699.74 10567.85 10494.14 351.13 10845.27 417.12
5 Clerical and General Staff (i) Below Matriculation 7980.00 8694.20 8633.56 288.87 8922.43 343.17
(ii) Matriculation but not Graduate 8379.00 9128.91 9065.23 303.31 9368.54 360.32
(iii) Graduate or above 8797.95 9585.35 9518.49 318.48 9836.97 378.34
(iv) Steno Typist 8379.00 9128.91 9065.23 303.31 9368.54 360.32
(v) Junior Scale Stenographer 8797.95 9585.35 9518.49 318.48 9836.97 378.34
(vi) Senior Scale Stenographer 9237.85 10064.62 9994.42 334.41 10328.83 397.26
(vii) Personal Assistant 9699.74 10567.85 10494.14 351.13 10845.27 417.12
(viii) Private Secretary 10184.73 11096.25 11018.85 368.68 11387.53 437.98
6 Data Entry Operator 8797.95 9585.35 9518.49 318.48 9836.97 378.34
7 Driver Light Vehicle 9237.85 10064.62 9994.42 334.41 10328.83 397.26
Heavy Vehicle 9699.74 10567.85 10494.14 351.13 10845.27 417.12
8 Security Guard Without Weapon 7980.00 8694.20 8633.56 288.87 8922.43 343.17
With Weapon 9237.85 10064.62 9994.42 334.41 10328.83 397.26
9 Security Inspector/Security Officer/Security Supervisor 9699.74 10567.85 10494.14 351.13 10845.27 417.12
10 Safai Karamchari in any employment 8100.00 8824.95 8763.39 293.22 9056.61 348.33


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