Revised Minimum Wages Goa 2018

This is to inform that the Minimum wages in Goa has been revised with effect from 1.04.2018. The amended rates for all the categories are as mentioned below:-


S.NO CATEGORY OF WORK Basic Wages w.e.f 1.10.2017 w.e.f 1.04.2018
Per-Day (Zone A) Per-Day (Zone B) Per-Day (VDA) w.e.f 01.10.2017 Per-Month (Zone A) Per-Month (Zone B) Per-Day (VDA) w.e.f 01.04.2018 Per-Month (Zone A) Per-Month (Zone B)
1 Skilled 423 417 7 11180 11024 16 11414 11258
2 Semi-Skilled 368 363 7 9750 9620 16 9984 9854
4 Clerical III 423 417 7 11180 11024 16 11414 11258
5 Unskilled 310 307 7 8242 8164 16 8476 8398


Revised Minimum Wages Goa
Revised Minimum Wages Goa

Click here to download the official notification: Revised Minimum Wages Goa 2018